Friends of Lawrence Area Trails (FLAT) is hiring a community coordinator

Friends of Lawrence Area Trails (FLAT) wishes to contract with an individual or firm to assist with capacitybuilding for this newly forming organization by establishing systems for organizing and promoting trails events, creating a volunteer program, and developing partnerships with local organizations that share our mission.  

Specifically, the contractor will: 

  • Develop content for social media platforms along with a system for gathering content from FLAT members and trail users. 
  • Develop a volunteer program and system for volunteer management, including a consolidated volunteer data base and plan for volunteer communications, recruitment, training, and activation. 
  • Establish a Friends of Lawrence Area Trails membership program, including a system for member recruitment and communications. 
  • Plan, coordinate, and promote a series of monthly, familyoriented activities on the Lawrence Loop. 
  • Develop metrics and baselines for monitoring progress related to community engagement, fundraising, and trail project completion. 
  • Complete and document proposed outcomes of the LiveWell Community Wellness Grant  

Friends of Lawrence Area Trails is a nonprofit group devoted to developing, promoting and maintaining a robust and vibrant trails system in Douglas County and northeast Kansas. FLAT’s primary roles are to raise funds for trail construction, build a community of trails supporters, and advocate for city, county and state investment in trails.

This contract is funded by a LiveWell Community Wellness Grant through the Douglas County Community Foundation.  All items listed above and requirements of the grant must be completed by the contractor by September 30, 2018. Total length of the contract period will be approximately 7 months, from March through September 2018. Pay for completion of the contract is $5,000 with monthly payments made throughout the duration. Final payment will be made when all requirements are completed.

To apply, submit cover letter to detailing qualifications, along with a résumé for individuals or members of the firm that will contribute to the project. Hardcopies may also be mailed to FLAT, PO Box 2134, Lawrence, KS 66044. Applications must be received by midnight on Sunday, February 25, 2018.