Area of the new construction along the railroad tracks

Lawrence Loop: 8th St to Sante Fe Depot Construction

Construction on the newest segment of the Lawrence Loop is set to begin soon. The trail will span from 8th and Delaware St., where the Loop currently ends, to the Sante Fe Depot. The trail will run parallel with the railroad tracks. Once complete the Lawrence Loop Trailhead will be at the Depot. Locates are in place prior to the start of construction. Construction is planned to be completed in early summer.

The Lawrence Loop currently ends at intersection of 8th and Delaware.
The Lawrence Loop currently ends at intersection of 8th and Delaware
The new segment will run along the railroad tracks
The new segment will run along the railroad tracks
The trail will run behind the quonset hut on 8th St
The trail will run behind the quonset hut on 8th St.